Monday, November 15, 2021

 Sharon Springs Free Library minutes


Annual meeting

   Called to order7:05 pm with board members Jeanne Irwin, Tonja Law, Bob Fucci, Patsy Nicosia, Sue Rorick, Gina Gilbert, Belinda Feris, Kate Walrath and staff Helen Thomas and Joanne Fralick.


Annual director’s report—Attached.

Helen reviewed the high points, most of which focused on dealing with COVID and programming.

Treasurer’s Report:

Presented by Tonja and accepted. Jeanne/Bob.


Election of Trustees/Officers

Susan and Patsy both agreed to serve new three-year trustee terms and were voted in.

Voted in as officers for one-year terms: President Jeanne Irwin, Vice President Gina Gilbert, Treasurer Tonja Law, Secretary Patsy Nicosia.


Committee appointments include the following:

Budget—Susan, Heanne, Gina.

Administration—Gina (chair), Belinda.

Facilities Management—Bob (chair), Susan, Tonja.

Fundraising—Gina (chair), Belinda, Kate.

Joint Facilities—Susan, Tonja, Patsy.

Gazebo—Bob and Belinda.

Ad Hoc: Ballot—Tonja, Susan, Jeanne.


Adjourned for regular meeting: 7:52pm.


Regular meeting



Called to order with all listed above in attendance. 7:53pm.


Minutes and Treasurer’s report accepted and approved.

Director’s report: Attached.


President’s report: Jeanne discussed trustee training. Susan will share a link to handbook training she attended which “counts.” There will be other opportunities. Mandatory in 2023.


Facilities maintenance: Continued discussion on doors. Susan and Bob are still gathering prices and info on possible contractors, but we agreed to replace three with money from the Building Fund; Susan and Bob will get back to us first with the final cost.


Fundraising: Gina will be stuffing 225 letters November 6 and asked for volunteers to assist.


Joint November/December meeting Thursday, December 2. Snacks, and refreshments.