Tuesday, April 13, 2021

 Library minutes



Called to order 7pm with board members Jeanne Irwin, Patsy Nicosia, Gina Gilbert, Tonja Law, Bob Fucci and Belinda Feris; staff Helen Thomas, Joanne Fralick, 

Minutes for 2.25.2021 approved: Tonja/Gina 

Treasurer’s report: DIscussion on changing due date of credit card or setting up minimum payment to avoid “late’ fee’ it’s due first of month. 

President’s report/new business

Jeanne shared some info on NYLA adovacy/webinars that we should all be receiving as emails.

We voted to move forward on changing from being on town ballot to school’s to capture a larger segment of taxpayers. This will require a new charter, but there’s no rush. (It took Schoharie 10 years.)

Director’s report

Attached including: We’re now an arm of the food pantry, Rotary quilt is on display and we’ve been selling tickets; annual report submitted 3.18.21--a day early.


--Policies--adopted Special use of facilities, maintenance of building and grounds, work order, incident report, non-smoking policy. Tabled investment policy until Tonja/Susan can talk

Adjourned: 8:30pm.