Monday, April 26, 2021


Sharon Springs Free Library Board of Trustees

Meeting Minutes



Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Sharon Springs Free Library Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:08 p.m. on 04/22/2021 by President Jeanne Irwin.



Trustees: Jeanne Irwin, Gina Gilbert, Tonja Law, Bob Fucci, Belinda Feris

Staff:  Helen Thomas, JoAnn Fralick

Guests:  Pam Baxter, Elliot Adams


Presentation by Rotary Club

Pam Baxter and Elliot Adams of the Sharon Springs Rotary Club discussed a proposed project between the Rotary and the Library to create an outdoor park in the back of Library property for use as an arts and theater venue. Rotary will develop an initial plan and will then present it to the Library Board. Project would entail bringing in fill to level the area, adding electricity to the site, building a stage/gazebo/pavilion and adding landscaping and park benches to enhance the rock face backdrop as a living legacy to the former on-site quarry.


Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the 3/25/2021 Board Meeting were read. 


On a motion made and seconded the minutes of the 3/25/2021 meeting were approved as presented. (Bob/Belinda)


Treasurer’s Report (attached)

Treasurer reported that the credit card payment issue has been resolved and we are on track for future payments.


Director suggested we move grant monies to Debit Card account for ease of spending on grant purchases.


On a motion made and seconded it was approved that the Treasurer will move grant monies to the Debit Card account. (Belinda/Jeanne)


President’s Report

The President had nothing to report this month.


Director’s Report (attached)

·         The COVID mandated quarantine of returned books ends on 5/1/2021.

·         The Pandemic Response Plan has been added to the blog site.

·         MVLS received CARES Act funding and is offering mini-grants to support a Summer Reading Program,

·         Seven stories were received in response to our Springs Spring Writing Contest.

·         Book discussion in April had five participants.

·         Stewart’s shops held a grant check presentation at their shop in Sharon and Helen and JoAnn were in attendance to accept the $800 check requested for children’s programming.

·         MVLS is having a group order for computers and we are purchasing a new staff computer.

·         Text for the new brochure is being discussed.

·         Helen discussed the balances/activity of all grant monies.


Committee Reports

·         Administrative – Personnel Policies were reviewed and after a long discussion it was decided that due to the complex nature of the policies the Personnel Committee would need to reconvene to discuss the policy before the next meeting.  The discussion was tabled for this month. The Investment Policy discussion was also tabled until both the Treasurer and former Treasurer are in attendance.


Old Business

·         The shed was removed from the property last week and the remaining debris will be removed.


New Business

·         The family of a former Trustee will be making a memorial donation to the Library and Helen has asked us to make a list of Wants/Needs to discuss at the next meeting.

·         We will now contact St. Pauly in regard to installing the new shed for accepting clothing donations.

·         The Town/Village wants to rearrange the walls on their side of the building.

·         Book Giveaway and possible dates were discussed.



Meeting was adjourned at 8:58 p.m.  The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Thursday, May 27th at 7:00 p.m.